Curiosophy Leadership Program


Would you like to increase the impact of your leadership?

Discover your inquisitive power as a leader and realize your full potential. In a customized high impactful programme, your leaders will strenghten their leadership by a mix of deep systemic work, inspirational training and immersive experiences by the artists of our collective. Each programme is build up in blocks, of which which a tree-day-trail, practice labs and personal mentoring are the key elements. A leadership podcast and extended learning modules are optional. In 4 to 6 monhts, the group has experiences change on a personal and collective level.


During 4-6 months, your directors and senior managers will know how to:

  • pass limiting beliefs
  • work with questions as a basis for deep change and development
  • adjust flexibly to a rapidly changing world
  • understand how to utilize the wisdom of their team, commissioners and stakeholders in collective gatherings
  • intervene effectively in highly sensitive conversations
  • apply the basic principles of dialogue in complex strategic decision making processes
  • understand the value of different perspectives and know how to connect them

The principles

The philosophy of curious leadership is based on three fundamental qualities by which investigative leaders differentiate themselves. Inquisitive capacity, smart sensitivity and dialogical ability. For more information, see the three Curiosophy pillars. This program aims to improve your attitude and skills with regards to these three qualities.

The facilitators

Each program is designed and executed by a cast of experienced professionals from our collective with a diverse palette of expertise areas in leadership development, practical philosophy, arts  and systemic work. We work with specially designed interventions to experience investigative leadership in the here and now. We all have extensive experience in guiding executives and their teams and are familiar with the moral dilemmas, the ‘burning matters’ and the issues of responsibility that managers, directors and supervisors have to deal with.


‘The leader of the past may have been a person who knew how to tell, but the leader of the future will be a person who knows how to ask.’ states Peter Drucker. Managers/ leaders worldwide are struggling with their role. Conflicting visions, burn out rates and  complex questions on sustainability, inclusion and other themes, are influencing their daily practice.

The World Health Organization warns for the biggest pandemic yet to come: the fast growing increase in burnout, depression and fatigue. Clients and millennials won’t stay with a company without purpose anymore, whereas stakeholders hold on to old definitions of profit. Creating community in an increasing diversity of people and opinions is an art in itself. Challenges of this kind can only be led by leaders who master the art of questioning and listening.

Who is it for?

This program has been developed for people with a considerable amount of experience as a director, DGA, executive, senior managers, supervisor or other positions of responsibility. You are responsible for complex, strategic decisions and in a leading position of the organisation as a whole or teams with a high formal ranking in the ladder of resonsibility.

Are you interested in a programme for the leaders of your company?